I have been away from Israel-Palestine blogging, happily moonlighting about EVs instead...
...well, that's not quite true. I've raised a bit of I-P ruckus lately - but in Hebrew. In August I researched and put together a long blog post that was finally published in Hebrew on September 1st on the Haokets ("The Sting") website, a site dedicated to social, economic and ethnic justice in Israel-Palestine.
An English translation was posted on the influential 972mag website last week. That translation was laid out very nicely by the editors, with many pictures. I'm too lazy to just copy it now, and besides it won't look as nice. What I'll do here is a short "Cliff's Notes" summary, together with some FAQ that keep arising around that text, and observations about the sad state of talkback threads :)
Follow me through the barbed orange wire...